My thoughts:
(I am not a Physicist!)
The Uncertainty Principle - You can know either speed or location, not both at the same time in the quantum world.
'Universe is not locally real' was proved by three theoretical physicists who jointly received Nobel Prize in 2022.
'Locally real' meaning: In this context “real” means that objects have definite properties independent of observation—an apple can be red even when no one is looking. “Local” means that objects can be influenced only by their contact or signals sent from them; and that any influence cannot travel faster than light (Probably this is the Material World, I think!).
Theoretical physicists are similar to Rishis of the vedas, I think . To make it acceptable to classical physicists, they had to come up with 'uncertainy principle'! Classical physics is 'certain', Quantum physics is 'uncertain'. This means humans will never be able to know fully with experimental proof, how universe functions.
<The uncertainty principle is a pure and illogical speculation to impose formulas and theories far from the logic of physical events.(Fernando Mancebo Rodriguez)>
Any type of action (karma) affects the result (phal) - which is not predictable by us(similar to uncertainty principle). Karma can be anything eg speaking, eating, hitting, pushing, pulling, thinking, cursing, praising, praying, chanting etc. In material world every action has an equal and opposite reaction. By the way, these laws are also God's law. In quantum world (spiritual world), every action causes a reaction which may be equal, unequal, opposite, similar etc.
Meditation probably can take us to the spiritual world and thoughts may be able to convert waves into particles(collapse of wave function) thereby can see God according to how we think of him. In our dream we probably are in the quantum world and travel there as subtle body(mann,buddhi,ahangkar - mind,intellect,ego). When we wake up the dream world disappears(Hindu Metaphysics).
Hindu philosophy is profound! - no other philosophy has explained so much about the universe we are integral part of!
Idol worship in Hinduism helps to concentrate on God in a spiritual environment. Anything can be worshipped as everything is god.
Ultimate reality is One (manifest and unmanifest). Everything is God!
We are made of Atma(energy/wave/unmanifest) and Brahman(matter/paricle/manifest).
Acquring human body makes us enjoy and suffer!
We are immersed in quantum field and our life is affected by it all the time and our actions(karma) causes reaction - good or bad. Intention behind karma is important. A surgeon cutting is good karma but cutting by an attacker is bad karma. Good karma is likely to produce good reaction and bad karma is likely to produce bad result.
May be, we are causing collapse of wave function around us all the time by observing!
Quantum Physics is probably the gateway between Material and Spiritual world.
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