Monday, 27 February 2023

Humans are Artificially Intelligent Robots created by God!

Brahma the creator

Reasons I think I am a Robot created by God :

God created me in his own image.

I have a material body (Gross body) - made of pancha bhuta(khsiti op tej marut byom - earth water fire air ether); and a non-material body (Subtle body) - made of Mind, Intelligence and Ego (Mann, Buddhi, Ahankar)

I have an immediate power source, a Rechargeable battery (SA node of heart where atman sits - god himself). The battery can last about  upto 120 yrs, our life span. It needs recharging daily to function properly, by sleep/rest.

No wonder we spend 1/3rd of life sleeping!

Energy from power source help me take actions (karma) which has consequences (phal).

We 'eat' another life to grow! Plants animals all come out of panchabhuta. So, not much difference between vegetarian and non-vegetarian.

Whatever we eat, make us grow. A time comes when we die, meaning material body goes back to panchabhuta. Subtle body with atman looks for a new body. I get a new body depending on what I can afford with the currency of karma of this and past lives.

Aim is to get mokhsa (liberation) when prisoner atman gets out and joins paramatman when there is no more subtle body.

During life we suffer a lot more than we enjoy. Our material desires bring us back to material life.

Our suffering starts when the heart starts beating indicating atman in SA node. We lie all curled inside mother's womb as foetus. When we come out of the womb, the baby chokes, cries ( mother was supplying oxygen and food in the womb. Outside he has to breath and eat by himself.

Then the forces of nature tries to kill us but God helps us survive. We suffer pain due to diseases accidents etc. He has given us intelligence and we take actions which result in consequences.

Mind is attracted by all the senses but we can decide what I am going to do and act accordingly. We should try to do the right thing. We have no power to control the outcome which depends on interaction of various forces and will of God.

Hardware is the material body. Software is the subtle body. Memory is stored in my mind. Some are ROM and others are RAM.

We live in a virtual world. Whatever we see hear feel etc are all indirect and unreal.

Dream is my own virtual world which only I can see during sleep. No one else can see it.

Our 5 senses are so crude and have limited capacity.

We cannot see energy. It has to be felt/appreciated. We can see the images of matter only.

We cannot see God because he is 99.99..% energy. Sadhus can see Him by concentrated thought like meditation which can change energy of God into matter (Observer effect of Quantum Physics). Only sadhu will be able to see him in his mind for a while.

(This article is the product of my imagination and experience)

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