Thursday 4 June 2020

Bhagavad Gita will make your life easier!


Why do you worry for nothing? Why are you scared of anyone?
Who can kill you?
The soul is immortal. It is never subject of birth and death.

Whatever has happened was good.
Whatever is happening is good.
Whatever will happen will also be good.

Don't regret the past. Don't worry about the future. Live in the present.

What did you lose that you are crying about? What did you bring that you lost?
What did you create that is now destroyed?
You did not bring anything. What you have, you have it here.
Whatever you gave, you gave here. Whatever you got, you got from God. Whatever you gave, you gave to God.
You came here empty handed and you will leave empty handed.

Whatever you have today was someone else's yesterday and it will belong to someone else tomorrow.
You only feel happy because you think it's yours for ever and it is this happiness that causes your sadness.

Change is the law of this Universe and nature.
This change is the cause of life, birth and death.

A man becomes the master of billions and the next moment he is penniless.

Make your mind free of petty ideas such as this is mine, this is yours, this is lowest, this is highest.

Free your mind and you will belong to everyone and everyone will be yours.

This physical body does not belong to you and you do not belong to this body.
The body is raised from five elements - fire, water, air, earth and sky and it will finally reduce to these elements.

Dedicate yourself to God. He is your only aid.
One who knows him becomes free from fear, worry and sadness.
Whatever you do offer it to God. This way you will eternally enjoy the bliss of a liberated soul in life.


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