I think, I was there before this life and I shall be there after my death as well. I am far away from moksha (liberation).
Thoughts that come to my mind: from info on the internet on which my own understanding:
Gross material body (kshiti, op, tej, morut, byom), subtle body(mann,buddhi, ahankar), soul.
During daytime - we identify ourselves with our gross, physical body.
At night we identify with subtle body, in dreams.
During dream, the experience feels real. If something harms us in dream, we 'feel' it. We might, for example, wake up screaming because of pain or fright.
Death - subtle body with jeevatma leaves the physical body. According to his desire and karma he finds a suitable body and enters the physical body in the mother's womb between 40 and 48 days of conception (I think, when the soul sparks the heart into action - it starts beating at around 6 weeks. The heart has the capacity of autorhythmicity.
If bad karma is to heavy, then the individual cannot choose the body. May get a lower animal body.
Whenever the subtle body thinks the physical body is uninhabitable, it leaves; This is death.. It may return if the body becomes suitable again eg after treatment by doctors. The body becomes alive again.
In my dream, I (my subtle body) have seen myself ( physical body) lying on bed.
Reincarnation metaphysics in hinduism.
Do genes represent karma of past life? Difficult to understand.
Do I really want to go to heaven? -It is probably boring.
Rather I'll save money(good karma currency) and from time to time go on holiday to heaven.
Life on earth is more interesting.
Shookh much less than Dookh in life. But when we earn Shookh it becomes 10 times more enjoyable.
When you know yourself who you are (Atma, part of parmatama), there is nothing to fear in this material world!
Reincarnation (punarjanma) is a core Hindu belief.
REINCARNATION could be the key to answering the age-old question of whether life continues after death. One researcher believed there is evidence to prove life does not end with death.
Through his research, Dr Stevenson claimed to have found more than 3,000 case studies of possible reincarnation.
Vishnu's avatars appears similar to Darwin's theory of evolution.
I think the whole evolution process is enacted in the mother's womb, from unicellular to a full human!
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