Thursday, 1 September 2016

This world is a virtual reality programmed by God

I think this world is a virtual reality game programmed by the ultimate programmer God.

It is running on auto mode now. From time to time, God manually overrides the program. He amends it and rewrites or deletes a part of the program.

This world is a virtual reality because, the universe is so perfect and in harmony, unbelievable. Right amount of gravitational force, the sun at the right distance from the earth. Living beings go through the cycle of birth, growth, decay and death. Everything is recycled and reused. The food chain keeps some control on the population of lower animals. Humans are on the top of the food chain, hence they destroy themselves by war etc.

The past is gone, the future is unknown, the flimsy present is all the time slipping into the past. All that remains is the memory. Memory is also gone when we die.

Life is like a dream and on death we wake up to our real world. We are like Avatars of our real self, the individual soul at home.

If the world goes on as the way it is going now, God may have to delete the Human bit or the Earth program as a whole!

The soul is the engine fitted to the body like a car.  We are each like a car, driven by the mind, the driver. The driver (mind) decides which direction it will go. The body and the engine need maintenance. For the body, it is the Healthy lifestyle. For the driver mind needs to learn yoga (to gain control over the sense perceptions, as normally uncontrolled mind will be pulled by the senses to five different directions - sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch.)

The program is  running on auto mode now. Dinosaur like creatures were created in the early part which probably were creating havoc so that God had to delete that part of the program!

Our actions (karma) leads to reactions which designs our future individually as well as collectively. Collective bad karma by most of us may lead to our own destruction. Eg, there is enough nuclear bombs in the world which can destroy this earth many times over!!

So, let us try to do the good karma (less jealousy, greed and running after material happiness, look after the environment etc. Then again, after a while, this world will also have to come to an end - nothing lasts for ever.

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