I would like to share my ideaas and thoughts on who I think I am.
I am separate from my body. That is why I say, this is my head, this is my hand etc. I live inside my body. I am part of God, so are you and all living beings. My body without me inside is useless and an inert object.
I like the analogy of a car. The car is like the body. The driver is like the soul inside the body of a living being. To make it useful the driver has to drive it.
I need to look after my body. The car needs maintenance.
To keep the body healthy, I adopt a healthy lifestyle. To keep the car in good condition, use it sensibly.
Car needs maintenace. Our body also needs maintenance.
Any fault in the car needs repairing. Some I can do myself - DIY. For other more difficult problems, I need the help of a mechanic.
Similarly, for the body we can do some things ourself, like adopting a healthy lifestyle, cholesterol do-it-yourself do-it-yourself etc. For more complicated problems, I need a doctor.
When the car becomes useless, the driver leaves it and buys a new car. Similarly, when my body will become useless, I shall leave it (so called death), and buy a new car (take up a new body = born again) and so on. These are my ideaas only, believe it or not!
Read articles like God and nature eic at www.ideaas.eu....My-ideaas
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