Saturday 14 September 2024

Human body is a chariot, you are the passenger...

 The body is like a chariot where the horses are the senses, the mind is the reins, and the driver or charioteer is the intellect. The passenger of the chariot is the Self (Atman).

Mind is attracted by the sense objects through 5 sense organs which will try to pull the chariot in different directions. Hence Intellect has to control the senses and concentrate on the goal.

Mind needs to be controlled by one's intellect which will then help the chariot to reach the goal by coentrating on the goal. Fruit of action is not in our control. Whatever we want, if we concentrate and try our best, then God will help in acheining the goal! 

Chariot needs maintenance (healthy lifestyle) to keep it roadworhty.

Intellect to be developed by acquiring knowledge for material life and later spiritual life.

Knowledge from Bhgavad Gita helps in whole of material life!

(My life may appear to have been difficult, but I feel I had everything I wanted so far without much effort. As if someone pulled me to the right path whenever I made a mistake etc - as if 'Divine intervention')

After retirement I had plenty of time to think 'who am I?' Bhagavad Gita' has all the answers I was looking for. 

I always felt 'I do not belong here'!

I beleive we are all individuals(Jeevatma) created by Bhagwan(Paramatma).

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