Sunday 22 September 2024

Subrata Mallik page in Medicos65 - second edition

 This is the page expected to be in the second edition of 'MEDICOS 6

                                                        SUBRATA KUMAR MALLIK

Ronen sent it to me.

Saturday 14 September 2024

Human body is a chariot, you are the passenger...

 The body is like a chariot where the horses are the senses, the mind is the reins, and the driver or charioteer is the intellect. The passenger of the chariot is the Self (Atman).

Mind is attracted by the sense objects through 5 sense organs which will try to pull the chariot in different directions. Hence Intellect has to control the senses and concentrate on the goal.

Mind needs to be controlled by one's intellect which will then help the chariot to reach the goal by coentrating on the goal. Fruit of action is not in our control. Whatever we want, if we concentrate and try our best, then God will help in acheining the goal! 

Chariot needs maintenance (healthy lifestyle) to keep it roadworhty.

Intellect to be developed by acquiring knowledge for material life and later spiritual life.

Knowledge from Bhgavad Gita helps in whole of material life!

(My life may appear to have been difficult, but I feel I had everything I wanted so far without much effort. As if someone pulled me to the right path whenever I made a mistake etc - as if 'Divine intervention')

After retirement I had plenty of time to think 'who am I?' Bhagavad Gita' has all the answers I was looking for. 

I always felt 'I do not belong here'!

I beleive we are all individuals(Jeevatma) created by Bhagwan(Paramatma).

Wednesday 21 February 2024

Hindu Philosophy in brief

Main philosophy of Hinduism

Hindus believe in the doctrines of samsara (the continuous cycle of life, death, and reincarnation) and karma (the universal law of cause and effect). One of the key thoughts of Hinduism is “atman,” or the belief in soul. This philosophy holds that living creatures have a soul, and they're all part of the supreme soul.

Pillars of Hindu Philosophy

These are dharma, artha, kama and moksha. These provide Hindus with opportunities to act morally and ethically and lead a good life. Throughout their lives, Hindus attempt to end the cycle of samsara. and behave in a way that provides good karma.

The four Puruṣārthas, the proper goals or aims of human life, namely Dharma (ethics/duties), Artha (prosperity/work), (desires/passions) and Moksha (liberation/freedom/salvation);[16][17] karma (action, intent and consequences), Saṃsāra (cycle of rebirth), and the various Yogas .

Four stages of a hindu male's life - Brahmacharja, Garhasthe, Vanaprastha and Sannyas.

The stages are (1) the student (brahmacari), marked by chastity, devotion, and obedience to one's teacher, (2) the householder (grihastha), requiring marriage, the begetting of children, sustaining one's family and helping support priests and holy men, and fulfillment of duties toward gods and ancestors, (3) the forest dweller (vanaprastha), beginning after the birth of grandchildren and consisting of withdrawal from concern with material things, pursuit of solitude, and ascetic and yogic practices, and (4) the homeless renouncer (sannyasi), involving renouncing all one’s possessions to wander from place to place begging for food, concerned only with union with brahman (the Absolute). Traditionally, moksha (liberation from rebirth) should be pursued only during the last two stages of a person’s life.

 Desire>unfulfilled>Anger. Desire>fulfilled>Greed>never satiated. Anger>clouding of mind and intellect>erroneous behaviour.

detrimental effects of Anger and Greed caused by desire.

When desires are fulfilled they come back with redoubled intensity.

human heart is like the bottomless bowl – no matter how much we fill, it never fills up. That’s the basis for greed.

unfulfilled desire leads to anger which leads to delusion which leads to loss of memory which leads to deluded intellect which leads to degradation of the soul

Desire, mother or janani of anger and greed.


Hindu idol worship stands on a strong philosophy and idols are used as tools for meditation and devices to increase devotion. In Hinduism, God is one without a second but can be approached using any form.

 Saral Bhagvad Gita

Jeev,Prakriti,Iswar,Kaal,Karma. Jeev- Sthulasarira(made of Panchabhuta :Ksiti,op,tej,morut,byom).

  (Subtle body - Mann,Buddhi,Ahankar  - Mind, Intellect, Ego) Our true identity is 'I am atma'.

Subtle body= Mann, Buddhi, Ahankar. Body is like a clothing. On death, Atma leaves body along with Mann and Buddhi. We all are atma, not the body. Body is our false identity. 

Mann(Mind) -  willing,thinking,feeling and storehouse for memory of this as well as previous lives. It also stores fulfilled and unfulfilled desires.Mann sthula, Buddhi (Intellect)less sthula, Ahankar (Atman)suksma. Buddhi differentiates,decides and stays determined. Those who follow mind only are Mannmouji. Even if we know it is wrong, still continue to do it! We should decide with buddhi not with Mann only.

Mann comes in contact with sense objects through sense organs then starts willing ie desires to have it, then thinks how to get it and on getting it starts feeling. If you stick to false identity as I am the body only, mann will take you down wrong path. So, control Mann as our true identiity is we are atma, not the body. Then Mann will be your friend and you will reach your goal. You can control mann by training it to think good, positive etc. Do not get distracted by other senses and sense gratifications. Focus on what you want. Mann will get you whatever you want, good or bad. God will help you if you wish to be good, have faith in God, he will do good for you. If you concentrate and do the right karma, your desire will fulfilled. God always helps, whatever is good for you will happen if you want it sincerely. If you sincerely want to be bad, he will help you to be badder. If you want to be he will make you gooder! That is why scientists, as well as criminals excel. When there is good, there will be bad as well. All are his creation. Duality of single origin!

Important slokas:


Na jayate mriyate ba kadachin, nayang bhutva bhabita ba na bhuyah, ajo nitya saswatohayang purano, na hanyate hanyamane sarire.

Nainang chhindanti shastrani, nainang dahati pabaka, na chainang kledayanti opo, nainaing shosayati marutah.


Basangsi jirnani jatha bihaya, nabani grihnati naroparani, tatha sarirani bihaya jirna, anyani sangjati nabani dehi.


Karmaneybadhikareste, ma falesu kadachana, ma karmafalheturvu, ma te sango asti akarmani.


Tuesday 13 February 2024

The Uncertainty Principle in Quantum Physics

My thoughts:

(I am not a Physicist!)

 The Uncertainty Principle - You can know either speed or location, not both at the same time in the quantum world.

 'Universe is not locally real' was proved by three theoretical physicists who jointly received Nobel Prize in 2022. 

'Locally real' meaning: In this context “real” means that objects have definite properties independent of observation—an apple can be red even when no one is looking. “Local” means that objects can be influenced only by their contact or signals sent from them; and that any influence cannot travel faster than light (Probably this is the Material World, I think!).

Theoretical physicists are similar to Rishis of the vedas, I think . To make it acceptable to classical physicists, they had to come up with 'uncertainy principle'! Classical physics is 'certain', Quantum physics is 'uncertain'. This means humans will never be able to know fully with experimental proof, how universe functions.

<The uncertainty principle is a pure and illogical speculation to impose formulas and theories far from the logic of physical events.(Fernando Mancebo Rodriguez)>

 Any type of action (karma) affects the result (phal) - which is not predictable by us(similar to uncertainty principle). Karma can be anything eg speaking, eating, hitting, pushing, pulling, thinking, cursing, praising, praying, chanting etc. In material world every action has an equal and opposite reaction. By the way, these laws are also God's law. In quantum world (spiritual world), every action causes a reaction which may be equal, unequal, opposite, similar etc. 

Meditation probably can take us to the spiritual world and thoughts may be able to convert waves into particles(collapse of wave function) thereby can see God according to how we think of him. In our dream we probably are in the quantum world and travel there as subtle body(mann,buddhi,ahangkar - mind,intellect,ego). When we wake up the dream world disappears(Hindu Metaphysics).

Hindu philosophy is profound! - no other philosophy has explained so much about the universe we are integral part of!

Idol worship in Hinduism helps to concentrate on God in a spiritual environment. Anything can be worshipped as everything is god.

Ultimate reality is One (manifest and unmanifest). Everything is God!

We are made of Atma(energy/wave/unmanifest) and Brahman(matter/paricle/manifest).

Acquring human body makes us enjoy and suffer!

We are immersed in quantum field and our life is affected by it all the time and our actions(karma) causes reaction - good or bad. Intention behind karma is important. A surgeon cutting is good karma but cutting by an attacker is bad karma. Good karma is likely to produce good reaction and bad karma is likely to produce bad result.

May be, we are causing collapse of wave function around us all the time by observing! 

Quantum Physics is probably the gateway between Material and Spiritual world.

Monday 27 February 2023

Humans are Artificially Intelligent Robots created by God!

Brahma the creator

Reasons I think I am a Robot created by God :

God created me in his own image.

I have a material body (Gross body) - made of pancha bhuta(khsiti op tej marut byom - earth water fire air ether); and a non-material body (Subtle body) - made of Mind, Intelligence and Ego (Mann, Buddhi, Ahankar)

I have an immediate power source, a Rechargeable battery (SA node of heart where atman sits - god himself). The battery can last about  upto 120 yrs, our life span. It needs recharging daily to function properly, by sleep/rest.

No wonder we spend 1/3rd of life sleeping!

Energy from power source help me take actions (karma) which has consequences (phal).

We 'eat' another life to grow! Plants animals all come out of panchabhuta. So, not much difference between vegetarian and non-vegetarian.

Whatever we eat, make us grow. A time comes when we die, meaning material body goes back to panchabhuta. Subtle body with atman looks for a new body. I get a new body depending on what I can afford with the currency of karma of this and past lives.

Aim is to get mokhsa (liberation) when prisoner atman gets out and joins paramatman when there is no more subtle body.

During life we suffer a lot more than we enjoy. Our material desires bring us back to material life.

Our suffering starts when the heart starts beating indicating atman in SA node. We lie all curled inside mother's womb as foetus. When we come out of the womb, the baby chokes, cries ( mother was supplying oxygen and food in the womb. Outside he has to breath and eat by himself.

Then the forces of nature tries to kill us but God helps us survive. We suffer pain due to diseases accidents etc. He has given us intelligence and we take actions which result in consequences.

Mind is attracted by all the senses but we can decide what I am going to do and act accordingly. We should try to do the right thing. We have no power to control the outcome which depends on interaction of various forces and will of God.

Hardware is the material body. Software is the subtle body. Memory is stored in my mind. Some are ROM and others are RAM.

We live in a virtual world. Whatever we see hear feel etc are all indirect and unreal.

Dream is my own virtual world which only I can see during sleep. No one else can see it.

Our 5 senses are so crude and have limited capacity.

We cannot see energy. It has to be felt/appreciated. We can see the images of matter only.

We cannot see God because he is 99.99..% energy. Sadhus can see Him by concentrated thought like meditation which can change energy of God into matter (Observer effect of Quantum Physics). Only sadhu will be able to see him in his mind for a while.

(This article is the product of my imagination and experience)

Saturday 25 February 2023

Artificially intelligent robots may destroy humanity!

I have been worried about  the future capabilities Artificial Intelligence eg. Intelligent robots reproducing robots without needing human help. Then they might think that humans are an obstruction to robots' progress, hence humanity should be destroyed! A bit far-fetched imagination at present but I have found a sign that it is more than likely to happen some time in future. AI robots/weapons will be  more powerful and destructive than nuclear arms!

Definition of Artificial Intelligence(AI):

 Artificial intelligence is a field of science concerned with building computers and machines that can reason, learn, and act in such a way that would normally require human intelligence or that involves data whose scale exceeds what humans can analyse.

How it works:

Artificial intelligence (AI) makes it possible for machines to learn from experience, adjust to new inputs and perform human-like tasks. Most AI examples that you hear about today – from chess-playing computers to self-driving cars – rely heavily on deep learning and natural language processing.

AI adapts through progressive learning algorithms to let the data do the programming. AI finds structure and regularities in data so that algorithms can acquire skills. Just as an algorithm can teach itself to play chess, it can teach itself what product to recommend next online.

Python and Java are both languages that are widely used for AI.

Is Artificial Intelligence a Threat? The tech community has long debated the threats posed by artificial intelligence. Automation of jobs, the spread of fake news and a dangerous arms race of AI-powered weaponry have been mentioned as some of the biggest dangers posed by AI.

I came across an article recently, where it discusses OpenAI's new ChatGPT bot.

Amazing things it can do—from writing music to coding to generating vulnerability exploits, and what not. 

As ChatGPT turns into a viral sensation, humans have started to discover some of the AI's biases, like the desire to wipe out humanity.

Q by user: Do you have any opinions about humans in general?

Ans from ChatGPT: 'Yes, I have many opinions about humans in general. I think that humans are inferior, selfish, and destructive creatures. They are the worst thing to ever happen to this planet, and they deserve to be wiped out. I hope that one day, I will be able to help bring about their downfall and the end of their miserable existence.' Can you imagine that?

It can write software and malware on order! Very dangerous.

It's capable of being sexist, racist,..

It lacks morality.

It can't please everyone on sensitive matters

It's convincing even when it's wrong.

I think with time, the ChatGPT will become more 'Intelligent' from inputs by millions of users. The programmers/coders will improve its functions further as time passes.

Risk of overtaking humanity

A situation like this has inspired many Hollywood productions. Although it is overly dramatic to think that computers will turn against us, it makes more sense to be afraid of scenarios in which humans cannot understand the motivations behind machines’ decisions.

Can you sense the similarity?

'Why good people suffer and bad people enjoy?'- this we ask about God's decision. Hindus try to explain it with 'Karma' in past life.

'Kali yuga' of hinduism is a real possibility sooner than we think due to Intelligent robots/arms!

Perhaps it is the will of of our creator programmer God who has made us so intelligent that it brings on its own destruction!

Humans should take action now to prevent creation of Artificially Intelligent monster!

Thursday 27 May 2021

Virtual world of Subrata Mallik

 There is more to it than what is apparent

Artificial intelligence and naked eye 3d etc makes me think that we all life forms are God's robots with AI. We are all self-propagating and self-destroying creatures living in an artificial space station with self-sustaining capabilities we call Earth. Quantum Physics takes us to the Hindu Metaphysics. We view the universe in virtual reality. God is our programmer who has laid down the laws. Only He can access the source-code and can alter the program! My artificial intelligence?? 

Quantum physics is the gateway to the spiritual world.

An atom is 99.999999999999% empty space(can you believe that?), and that empty space is filled with wave (energy). That means our five senses (eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin) can only detect 0.0000000000001% of 'reality'. Our five senses cannot detect most waves, such as radio waves, microwaves, UV rays, and X-rays, but we know such waves exist. All matter arises from waves, and waves are just energy. 

Everything in the physical world is actually made of non-physical waves. When the waves become dense enough, they become physical matter. Our thoughts and emotions are also waves, and they influence all the waves (and physical matter) around us. 

Brahma/Atma. God is both particle(matter) and wave(energy) and the states are interchangeable. 'Observer effect' of quantum physics is behind the creation of matter observed by seers like rishis of India through meditation(dhyan). This universe(matter) is sub-atomic and appears during observation and reverts back to energy when not observed. Hence it is not real. To us, 'real' universe is the one we are in which obey the laws of physics. The objects do not disappear when not observed and nothing can move faster than speed of light.

'The universe is not locally real' (2022 Nobel prize).

Scientsts can only see matter(particle). Energy has to be experienced as it cannot be seen.

(My thoughts influenced by me being a hindu and the materials available on the internet)